Don't let a limited budget stand in the way of acquiring what truly matters to you. We recognize that financial constraints can occasionally hinder your ability to invest in the things that hold the greatest significance. That's where Windoor Retro Professionals come in—a trusted and dependable provider of top-notch windows and doors, committed to assisting you in realizing your aspirations without straining your finances.
A simple application process with fast credit decisions.
Convenient monthly payment options.
On-line account management
Our streamlined financing process ensures a hassle-free experience. From application to installation, we make securing funds for your project quick and efficient, empowering you to complete your new windows and doors installation.
01. Submit Credit Application
02. Complete Contract Documents
03. Customer Verification Call
04. Get Installed
Foundation Finance Company (FFC) was formed around a kitchen table, much like many of your home improvement businesses were. Developed to strengthen your bottom line by increasing sales, FFC puts the power of customer financing in your hands.
Foundation Finance provides fast, common sense loan decisions and simple, flexible consumer finance programs that help our dealers build their bottom line.
Program Overview
Our financing program has helped many homeowners complete their projects, upgrade to the desired features for their windows and doors and save them money. Don’t wait to experience the advantages Windoor Retro Professionals provides through financing.
Installment and revolving financing plans up to $100,000
Prequalify with our soft credit pull option.
First and second looks with FICOs as low as 600 considered
$0 down and terms up to 240 months
*Available for up to 12 months - minimum payment of 8.50% of purchase price required.
Low fixed monthly payments with cash back opportunities and no pre-payment penalties.
No payments required and no interest accrues during the promotional period. 6-month and 12-month options available.
The first payment is deferred up to 12 months. Interest accrues from day one and is not waived at any point during the contract term.
*Financing is subject to credit approval. Pricing may vary for financed projects.
Salal Credit Union (SCU) was initially formed in 1948 to serve healthcare professionals. They developed financing with hard working consumers in mind, in need of financing options for home improvement projects. SCU puts the power of financing in the hands of the homeowner. SCU provides guidance and support at every step, from the online application to the final completion of your project. Consider our partner's support team an extension of your project, ensuring your process is smooth and any questions are answered along the way.
Salal Credit Union provides fast, common sense loan decisions and simple, flexible consumer finance programs that help our customers finance any project.
When you partner with Windoor Retro Professionals you can expect quick credit approvals and competitive financing plans that strengthen your bottom line with more sales and larger project sizes.
Windoor Retro Professionals
Our goal is to deliver a seamless and successful experience for our clients, while also making new windows and doors accessible and affordable for all.
Business Hours:
Mon thru Sat 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
All Rights Reserved | Windoor Retro Professionals CBC1267537